ID 53389724 © Rinus Baak |

Scientific Name

Lynx rufus



IUCN Redlist Status

Least Concern


Bobcats can be found in many parts of southern Canada, and throughout most of the United States except for parts of the midwest. They are also located in northern Mexico.


They have an ability to surive in a variety of habitats. Bobcats can be found in mountainous regions, woodlands, deserts, swamps, wetlands and coastal areas.


Just as they are able to survive in a variety of habitats, they are able to eat a variety of different food. Bobcats prey on rabbits, mice, squirrels and other small mammals. They also prey on larger animals at times.


They can be 2 - 3.5 feet in length and weigh 20 - 30 pounds.


Bobcats are closely related to lynx, but they are not the same animal. They are both members of the lynx genus.

Bobcats have thick, fur coats that can be gray, red or brown, depending on where they live. Their coats are covered in spots that are sometimes more apparent on their legs than on their backs. On their faces are a few stripes. These markings and colors undoubtedly help to camoflauge bobcats in the brush, scrub or forest regions that they live in.

One of their more noticeable traits is the tufts of fur on the tips of their ears. These tufts give their ears a "pointed" look. They also have a short, bobbed tail which is where the name "Bobcat" comes from.

Unlike other members of the lynx genus, bobcats do not have fur on the bottom of their paws. This separation is likely due to the fact that other lynx generally live farther north than bobcats, and spend more time in the snow and cold weather.


Bobcats are nocturnal and rarely seen during the day. They are also solitary creatures except for mating periods. Like common housecats, they will stalk or pounce on unsuspecting prey when hunting.


The female's gestation period is approximately 2 months. Females will give birth to 2 - 4 kittens per litter.

Other Facts

Bobcats are the mascot of the professional basketball team, the Charlotte Bobcats.

The thirtieth president of the United States, Calvin Coolidge, had a bobcat (among other animals) as a pet in the White House.